What makes us different?


Founded by a team of engineers with a simple vision: Pay could be automated as an online payroll service in the cloud with Robotic Payroll Automation (RPA). paiyroll® is unlike existing systems:

Existing payroll isRPA paiyroll® isFor you that means:
Desktop payroll software for a Single userA cloud online payroll service for Multiple usersNo software to install, no updates, backup or archive – ever
Ready at the end of the week or month aka BatchContinuous calculation – Live payslip ready from day one aka InteractiveZero Errors – workers can check their pay 24×7
Holiday pay is manualAutomated 52-week holiday pay for any pay frequencyCompliance with new legislation with no effort
Weekly or MonthlyDaily, Weekly or MonthlyDaily pay or pay-on-demand
All data entry is manualAutomated data collection from HR, Time & Attendance or CSV 75%+ Time saved
Outsourced or back office manually processedAutomatedChanges in minutes and not hours
Payslips, P60s and P45s E-mailed or published on a portalWorkers generate their own Payslips, P60s and P45s with Self-serviceGDPR compliant + never publish a Payslip, P60s and P45s ever again
Designed for expert payroll operatorsDesigned to not require an operatorCost and Time Saved
HatedLoved!Engaged employees access the app daily
What makes payroll different

About the author

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