PulseHRM + Ezora

We make connections

paiyroll® integrates with many third-parties to bring you instant payroll.

Imagine all of your HRM Time & Attendance data automatically transferred into payroll at the touch of a button.

That’s what integration with paiyroll achieves.

Finally, PulseHCM can now drive paiyroll®.


✅ SFTP used to collect T&A data
✅ Validates data before uploading
✅ Synchronises daily shifts
✅ Editable pre-processor columns
✅ Live payslips available
✅ Unlimited shifts and pay rates
✅ Full error handling
✅ Allows for a dry run
✅ Supports multiple companies


We use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) powered by ezora to collect all your Time & Attendance data automatically.


Automatically checks every data field before adding it, flagging errors early to provide maximum time for corrections, such as mis-typed bank details or incorrect NI numbers.

Daily Shift Synchronisation

The integration is designed to be run automatically on a daily schedule. It can also be run manually as often as required during the payroll cycle. Thousands of shifts are captured in minutes.

Column pre-processor

Columns can be joined, split or re-formatted to extract any Shift Information.

Live payslips

Workers can see their Shifts and full payslip with all deductions in near real-time. Typical Shift information includes date, location, hours and rates. However, there is no limit to how you can describe a shift.

Unlimited shifts
and pay rates

There is no limit to the number of Shifts you can import per worker. Use either simply shift rates or complex split rates.

Dry runs

Test the integration and view a full report before running.


Supports multiple companies linked to multiple PAYE references in paiyroll®. You can also filter specific companies.

Error handling

Full error handling includes shifts for workers who have not been added (new starters), shifts for leavers, and invalid shift rows.