Online cloud-based payroll service

Software updates and losing payroll data waste time.

Cloud-based payroll is risk-free and saves time!

Older-generation payroll systems are downloaded and require regular software updates to maintain compliance. Our paiyroll® software works online (aka cloud or SaaS), so you never have to install or upgrade payroll software. Backups and archives are not required as our cloud servers backup the entire system continually.

Unlike desktop payroll, cloud payroll means you never have to manage software and can be accessed at any time, anywhere and on any device e.g. Mac, PC, Tablet or Mobile, for any number of users, clients, and employees.

✅No software to download
✅No software updates
✅No PC or hardware
✅No back-ups needed
✅Multi-user access
✅Works on any browser

Out with the old

PC-based payroll software

The first computer-based payroll systems were developed in the 1950s. Since then, technology has advanced through various PC-based hardware and software operating systems.

These became convenient and cost-effective methods to run payroll software. This is no longer good enough to cater to the on-demand world in the 21st century.

PC-based software is the reality for most companies – one payroll manager operating one desktop PC. This one-user-one-screen approach has drawbacks as only one user can enter data at a time, often manually, resulting in payroll that takes days to run.

In with the new

Cloud-based payroll software

Unlike desktop payroll, with cloud-based payroll multiple users can input data including employees.

Cloud payroll also manages your payroll data for you. You never have to install or upgrade payroll software. Your data is always backed up on the cloud so you never risk losing data.

With paiyroll® multiple users including employees manage payroll. Employees enter timesheets, absences, bank details, address changes, and new starter declarations directly into the app and can generate payslips, P60, and P45 themselves, on-demand.

What you can do with cloud-based payroll


We are recognised by HMRC, so you can trust that your payroll is in safe hands with us – whether it’s daily, weekly or monthly pay.

Accessible On Any Device

Our online app is optimised for small screens so employees can easily access self-service for things like pay requests, changing their address, submitting holiday requests and everything in between from any device and from anywhere.

Automatic Prompts

Users will receive automatic prompts to complete outstanding actions in sequence of payroll processing. Including payroll admin, managers and employees. E.g. managers are prompted to review holiday requests.

Data Collection

Self-service allows employees to enter timesheets, absences, bank details, address changes, and new starter declarations directly into the paiyroll® app.

Live Payslips

Each time an employee accesses a Live payslip, paiyroll® runs their payroll to show expected pay using available data to date. New data, for example, commissions, bonuses, timesheets, starters, leavers, or changes are included in real-time.

Payslips & Reports

Every employee, manager, finance, or HR has online access to generate and automatically retrieve any required payslip or report including UK P60 and P45 on-demand.

Automated Workflow

Once approved, holiday, sickness, and timesheets provide payroll input data. This is how it works:

  1. Employees enter timesheets/absences via online mobile payroll
  2. Managers are prompted for their approval
  3. Managers approved workflows via a mobile app

Once approved, the rest of the workflow runs automatically.


Most teams have limited capacity for new project implementations. Consequently, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Identify a supplier who can assist with migration. Suppliers should provide software and expertise to transform existing data and processes.
  2. Adopt a phased roll-out. There is often no need to migrate every department in the one phase. Importantly, this allows the organisation to establish best practices prior to full deployment.

More information

Online payroll services

Switching payroll