Free Holiday Pay Templates
Works out holiday pay using the new 52-week pay reference period, for zero hours or variable pay.*

Simply download the excel for quick holiday pay calculations.
✅ Zero hour workers
✅ Variable pay workers
✅ Weekly paid workers**
*incl. overtime/commission variable hours. Based on the BEIS guidance, this template will work out holiday pay for weekly paid workers.
**monthly, fortnightly or 4-weekly paid workers can also use this template. However, you must ensure you have records for each worked week. This is because the new holiday law uses pay each week when pay is on a different frequency. Complete the last whole worked week that relates to your payday.
Free Holiday Pay Top 10 Guide

10 things you need to know about holiday pay legislation in the UK.
Had enough of spreadsheets and calculators?

With paiyroll®, you can ditch the calculator because we automate holiday pay for you:
✅ Done in minutes
✅ For very employee
✅ Anytime, anywhere
✅ Zero errors
We designed paiyroll® to fully automated holiday pay for you
Whilst our holiday pay template does the calculation for you, it still takes a long time to enter all the data. You also need to do the calculation every time holiday is taken because the calculation will change. You will also need to repeat for each worker, each week!
Whether you are a bureau or an employer, with paiyroll® you will love how employees book holidays, managers approve it and pay is added automatically according to the new holiday legislation. This works for zero-hours workers, variable overtime and commission work patterns. Just contact us or use live chat to find out how, so you never have to calculate holiday pay again!
Not ready to switch?
Try our Holiday Pay Companion
Works alongside your existing payroll software, in the cloud, to completely automate holiday pay for you. Find our more here.