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ai Automation: Statutory and Occupational Pay
The days of complex calculations are over.

Statutory and Occupational
Pay Made Simple
Not only does paiyroll® automate SSP, SMP, SPP and SBPB, we go one step further and automatically work out the additional company scheme pay-out required for any number of schemes. All we need is a start date, end date and a scheme – hey presto, it’s all done.
✅Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
✅Statutory Maternity (SMP) / Paternity Pay (SPP)
✅Statutory Bereavement Pay (BPBP)
(+occupational options)
See the SMP eligibility rules and SMP guidance.
Read more details
- Claims must be made within 12 weeks of the start date.
- The system automatically disqualifies claims:
- If Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) fall below the minimum level.
- If the 26 week rule for Qualifying Week (QW) is not met for the current employment.
- A claim usually starts when the worker takes planned maternity leave. If the leave starts unexpectedly (e.g. if the baby is born early, or if the worker is off work for a pregnancy-related illness in the 4 weeks before the week that the baby is due), delete the original claim and create a new claim with the new start date.
- When a claim is ended, SMP is paid in complete weeks. The claim end must be set based on the reason for the end of the claim: Claim endingsEnding reason SMP claim end settingSMP ending weekWorker leaves. Set employment end date. Do not end SMP claim. If the Maternity Pay Period (MPP) has already started, you will have to continue paying SMP by manually enabling pay-after-end payments. See TBD for more information on the procedures for leavers.Previous.Worker is taken into legal custody. Set SMP claim end to day before custody begins.Previous.Keep In Touch (KIT) day limit exceeded. Set SMP claim end to day before KIT limit is exceeded.Previous.Worker dies. Set SMP claim end to end of SMP week on or following date of death.Given.
- Even after an SMP claim has ended, the worker is not eligible for SSP until after the MPP is over. If the worker falls ill during the MPP, a new claim for SMP, based on the original pregnancy, must be made instead.
- When entitlement to the benefit ends, any Salary pay item will automatically resume (even if the claim is not ended by setting and approving an end date). The Salary can be zeroed to prevent overpayment if the worker is not expected to return.
- Backdated pay rises are not supported.
(+occupational options)
See the SPP eligibility rules and SPP guidance.
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- Claims must be made within 12 weeks of the start date.
- The system automatically disqualifies claims:
- If Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) fall below the minimum level.
- If the 26 week rule for Relevant Week (RW) is not met for the current employment.
- A claim usually starts when the worker takes planned bereavement leave.
- When a claim is ended, SPBP is paid in complete weeks. The claim end must be set based on the reason for the end of the claim:Claim endingsEnding reasonSPBP claim end setting SPBP ending week Worker leaves.Set employment end date. Set SPBP claim end to the end date.Previous.Worker is taken into legal custody.Set SPBP claim end to day before custody begins.Previous.Worker dies.Set SPBP claim end to end of SPBP week on or following date of death.Given.
- When entitlement to benefit ends, any Salary pay item will automatically resume (even if the claim is not ended by setting and approving an end date). The Salary can be zeroed to prevent overpayment if the worker is not expected to return.
- Adoption is not supported.
- Backdated pay rises are not supported.
(+occupational options)
See Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay and Leave and Manually calculate SPBP.
Read more details
- Claims must be made within 12 weeks of the start date.
- The system automatically disqualifies claims:
- If Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) fall below the minimum level.
- If the 26 week rule for Relevant Week (RW) is not met for the current employment.
- A claim usually starts when the worker takes planned bereavement leave.
- When a claim is ended, SPBP is paid in complete weeks. The claim end must be set based on the reason for the end of the claim:Claim endingsEnding reasonSPBP claim end setting SPBP ending week Worker leaves.Set employment end date. Set SPBP claim end to the end date.Previous.Worker is taken into legal custody.Set SPBP claim end to day before custody begins.Previous.Worker dies.Set SPBP claim end to end of SPBP week on or following date of death.Given.
- When entitlement to benefit ends, any Salary pay item will automatically resume (even if the claim is not ended by setting and approving an end date). The Salary can be zeroed to prevent overpayment if the worker is not expected to return.
- Adoption is not supported.
- Backdated pay rises are not supported.
(+occupational options)
Both qualifying and non-qualifying claims can be recorded.
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- The system automatically disqualifies claims:
- When entitlement to benefit ends, any Salary pay item will automatically resume (even if the claim is not ended by setting and approving an end date). The Salary can be zeroed to prevent overpayment if the worker is not expected to return.
- If a worker leaves, claims are truncated to the end date.
- SSP is not payable after a worker dies. In this event, mark them as having left on the date the event.
- Claims must be made within 12 weeks of the start date.
In addition to any jurisdiction-specific Statutory pay for Sickness and other non-holiday absences, many employers choose to offer Occupational Sick Pay (OSP). Each Scheme defines one or more OSP options summarised as follows:
- A worker is eligible for an entitlement after the given number of weeks of employment.
- The entitlement defines zero or more amounts payable from the start of an absence. Each amount is defined by a maximum number of weeks and how the payout for each pay period within those weeks is calculated.
- The entitlement can also define an additional return bonus payout on return from the absence.
- Any of the on-absence or return bonus payouts can be marked as repayable if the worker leaves within a minimum number of weeks after the end of an absence (or leaves without returning). Recovering this balance is generally outside the scope of paiyroll® and must be handled using external methods, see below for more details.
In detail, each entitlement specifies:
Entitlement | Description |
eligible_after | The minimum number of employed weeks. The applicable entitlement is the last one matched. If there is no match, no OSP will be paid. |
on_absence | Zero or more absence_pay rules. See description below. |
on_return | A return_bonus. See description below |
The on_absence absence_pay
Rules are in order of application. Each rule consists of:
Rule | Description |
payable_weeks | The maximum number of weeks this absence_pay rule will be applied.: |
basis | Universal:flat_rate: Pay a fixed lump sum amount per day of absence, set using the multiplier field. Universal:salary: Pay the salary per day of absence, times the multiplier field. GB:average_earnings: Scale 52/104-week average pay by the working pattern to a daily amount at the start of the absence. Pay the result per day of absence, times the multiplier field. |
multiplier | Multiplier for the basis (or the fixed amount per working day if the basis is Universal:flat_rate). |
uplift | Is this additional to, or an override of, the statutory provision? |
repayable_before | Multiplier for the basis (or the fixed amount per working day if basis is Universal:flat_rate). |
A return_bonus
basis | Jurisdiction-aware payment basis. The value is evaluated in the pay run where the return is processed unless otherwise specified: Universal: flat_rate: Pay a fixed lump sum amount, set using the multiplier field. Universal:salary: Pay the salary for one pay period, times the multiplier field. GB:average_earnings: Scale 52/104 week average pay by the working pattern to a daily amount at the start of the absence. Pay the result per working day of the last pay period, times the multiplier field |
multiplier | A multiplier for basis |
uplift | As for absence_pay |
repayable_before | for absence_pay |