With paiyroll® you don’t need a calculator or spreadsheet to handle pro-rata Salaries for Starters, Leavers, Overtime, Mid-month changes, Back-pay, Absences or Overtime. All the examples below are automatically generated by payroll® from the employee’s start date, end date or salary change date along with their weekly working pattern.
Let’s begin our trip
Simon Templar starts a new job on 2022-11-17 at an annual salary of 24,000. His working pattern is Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Salary scheme is set to pro-rate by annual working days (260). Here is his starter payslip:
Change the salary scheme to annual calendar days (360):
Now. change the start date to the prior month 2022-10-17 (e.g. after payroll cut-off) so he received 1 month and 15-days:
Make him a leaver this month on 2022-11-10 (as well as a starter) to pro-rate across 2 months:
Change the salary scheme to pro-rate for the actual period (month) calendar rate – note different rates for each month:
Now pro-rate for the actual period (month) working day rate – different rates:
Add 2 absence days:
Switch to Robinson Crusoe who has a 24,000 annual salary and works 5-days per week:
Make him a leaver on 2022-11-10 and he gets paid 8 working days:
A leaving date of 2022-11-23 in the 2nd half of the month is subtracted from full salary:
Revert back to a full-month salary and apply a mid-month pay increase from 2022-11-11:
Now back-date a salary change from 2022-07-26:
Backdate with 4 days absence:
Add 3 hours of overtime with a 1.5 multiplier:
Automated and error-free pro-rata Salary for Starters, Leavers, In-month or Back pay changes with Absence and Overtime. The salary scheme can be configured for 360 calendar days, 260 working days, 20..23-month working days or 28.. 31 month calendar days:
You can have as many different schemes as required to provide different options for different workers. Hours per annum determine the overtime rate.
All are controlled according to each employee’s working pattern. Add any absence days or overtime with a single number.