If you need to change your pay schedule, for example, add new departments or change dates, follow the steps below:
- Company Setup > Pay Schedules: Click Update to edit the schedule and then clear the Enabled checkbox and click Update. This will temporarily suspend usage of that schedule and allow you to make edits.
- Then Update the same schedule to make any required changes
- If you need to amend departments, then carefully enlarge the department window (pull down from the bottom right-hand corner) and use CTRL-click on a PC or Command-click on MacOs to add or remove any departments to the already selected list. If you accidentally click the wrong department and/or lose the previous multi-selected list, just don’t update – instead hit back and then go in to update the pay schedule again to try and preserve the ones that were selected
- Make any other changes as required to the pay schedule.
- Finally, re-enable the schedule by clicking the Enabled checkbox and click update
- Pay runs > Redo the scheduled pay run. You will now have the same scheduled run on the new date. After a few seconds, delete the old dated pay run.
Your schedule has been updated and a newly dated pay run is ready.