Every industry faces different and varied payroll challenges.
Here are 8 reasons to choose paiyroll® no matter the industry:
Outsources payroll for a fraction of the cost
No payroll expertise or operator required
Self-service payroll for employees
Real-time payroll for instant payslips
Control payroll remotely, at any time
Payroll anytime: Daily, weekly, monthly
Per employee payroll
Scroll down to learn more about payroll in each industry
Payroll today
More often than not your client wants you to do it, but generally, accountants dislike processing payroll. It’s tedious, error-prone, and not a high-value activity. Many tend to either not offer the service, or price it high on the basis that their clients will go elsewhere (usually to a lower cost outfit). However, this does of course break the very essence of the strong relationship you have with your client.
Payroll tomorrow
What if there was a way to be able to offer branded payroll services to your clients with minimal effort on your part whatsoever?
With paiyroll® you can. Imagine being able to offer payroll to every client, confident in the knowledge that designated key individuals are automatically prompted to provide any missing data. Any delays are escalated with SMS to managers to ensure the client completes every step on time and takes responsibility for their pay. You have direct visibility allowing any questions to be efficiently addressed.
No payslips to distribute, ever.
Automation means a flexible workforce
The advantages of a digital workforce, mean you can flex up or down in terms of the number of clients to take on, regardless of their payroll complexity.
Maintain your relationship, satisfy your client and generate a profit at the same time.
Agencies (Temps)
If you are engaged in recruiting and retaining workers, where the assignment is limited to a certain period of time (temps), then paiyroll® can be used.
We can automate all aspects for pay, including assignments that are based on hourly, daily or even weekly duration.
Payroll today
Payroll hasn’t changed in 50 years. In fact some would argue that the process goes back to Victorian times. Over 80% of enterprises run monthly payroll because trying to do anything else would be unthinkable.
So how did we get into this situation?
As new requirements for pay and benefits continue to evolve, new software packages have been bolted onto payroll: flexible benefits, payslip and pension portals to name a few. Incredibly these systems often span multiple different suppliers, so it’s entirely normal to outsource payroll to supplier A, flex-benefits to supplier B and use a payslip supplier C. How does data move between you and these systems? via the humble excel spreadsheet. We invite you to even try to draw out a diagram of your current payroll process! Payroll today isn’t fit for purpose. You are paying for all the manual inefficiency.
Payroll tomorrow
Your future employees will have multiple jobs. They won’t get a fixed monthly salary. You’ll want to pay them by project, by the day, by the hour or by the piece. They will need to be paid outside a monthly cycle, and they will want/ need to be paid individually.
Each employee is an individual
Because today’s payroll is a monolithic process, everyone’s in the same boat because that’s the only way the process can work. But every one of your employees is an individual.
Per employee payroll
Each employee can run their own payroll. Of course they can’t pay themselves a million dollars ,you set the parameters and they can run their own payroll accordingly. So of you pay them a fixed rate per week (5-days work), they can run payroll after one day and receive 20% of the weekly pay. If you want you specify 2 pay runs per employee maximum.
Live payslip
Live payslip allows any employee [or actually anyone] to run their live payroll anytime. This forward calculation is impossible to deliver in todays payroll process. The advantages are significant: Errors can be eliminated long before payday, employers can see what they will earn in real-time. Bonuses, commissions, per-piece and per hour pay items become immediately visible.
Data Collection
Payroll needs data from various sources to function and we’ve got that covered. For example, HR may need to submit new starter or leaver information; Finance may need to submit bonus or commission calculations. E-mail and SMS: If the input is from a person, paiyroll® gathers that data. It uses E-mail in the first instance to notify the data provider that their input is needed. If they don’t respond, we use SMS. If that doesn’t work, escalation rules always mean there is someone else who provide the data. Since we know your pay schedule, we always allow plenty of time to collect the data. Data collection from another system: If you use another system to book holidays, record time and attendance, then we can load data from that system using daily, hourly or live feeds.
Smart Configuration Service
Every company has a different way of paying employees, we provide a rapid and smart configuration service to meet your unique requirements. paiyroll® has been designed to be able to support virtually any payroll process and workflow complexity.
Payroll is an employee reward and retention tool not an administrative burden
That’s our POV. After job satisfaction, hard cash is why employees come to work. Unleash your ability to attract and retain talent.
Gig economy
Pay Today
You have developed a super slick platform that connects your workers with gigs. It conducts the entire work process with lightning efficiency – arranging deliveries, drivers, hourly workers etc. At the end of every gig, your workers know how much they have earned. However, this picture of frictionless perfection fades away as you move to the most important step for your workers…actually paying them.
Pay today simply doesn’t work for the gig economy. You’re tied into a monthly or 2-weekly, old-school manual process trying to work out taxes, holiday accrual, social charges, tax authority filing etc.. Chances are you are paying a high cost for a lot of manual entry/verification meaning a poor service with unacceptable errors. Guess what– payroll re-introduces friction.
A payroll solution for the gig economy
Imagine pay for your workers operating with the same lightning efficiency as your app… Gigsters finish their gigs, and you give them the freedom to decide what to do about their pay —pay themselves today or another day?
Why do your workers have to wait for 2 weeks or for the end of the month to get paid? If you have their hours, job or piece rates entered by 18:00 they could be paid by 20:00.
Avoid surprises
Your workers may well be surprised by the difference between their gross pay and net pay. Every deduction is made transparent before payday with our ‘Next payslip’ feature which simply explains each item of pay.
Public Sector
Payroll today is costly
Today’s public sector organisations, whether they be hospitals, schools or government, are faced with one overwhelming challenge – that is to do more with less. Never has the burden of cost reduction been such a priority. This is particularly challenging considering the scale of some public service departments.
Despite the fact you probably have been able to secure better commercial arrangements than most, the chances are outsourced payroll is costing you in excess of £4 per payslip or £50 per employee pa.
In addition to those high outsourcing costs, you will also be spending a significant effort to (1) prepare all the data for your outsourcer and (2) check and approve the final payroll. Total costs are very likely to exceed £75 per employee pa.
Outsource payroll for a fraction of your current cost
Because we totally automate payroll, it dramatically reduces the cost. Imagine payroll cost starting at £18 per annum.
Automatic timesheets
If you have staff who are on hourly pay, it’s a breeze to have them fill out timesheets on their smart phones which automatically calculate their pay. Once submitted, these are routed to a manager, or administrator, for approval. Once approved they become part of the payroll process with no further manual intervention.