Setting up Xero/Freeagent/Quickbooks integration

Setting up Xero/Freeagent/Quickbooks integration

Follow the 3 steps in this guide to set up a fully configured integration that will post journals automatically upon pay-run approval.

1. Add Report Definition #

  • Company setup > Report Definitions.
  • Scroll down to the bottom.
  • Add…
  • Select the Company
  • Select the Template Bookkeeping integration e.g. GB Xero Journal
  • Click Add

Update #

Click Update to save the Report definition

2. Grant #

After adding the Report definition, the 2nd step requires you to Update it and Grant Access

  • Company Setup > Report Definitions
  • Click Update
  • Click Grant…

Next, you will need to log into your bookkeeping:

Select the organisation in Xero and click Allow access

Set Organisation #

After Granting, you must select the organisation in paiyroll® if you have connected multiple companies e.g. bureau. Only leave this blank if you have exactly one company:

Update #

Click Update to save the Report definition.

3. Configure the Journal Mapping #

After Granting the Report definition, you can proceed to the 3d stope and Configure the Journal.

  • Company Setup > Report Definitions
  • Click Update
  • Click Grant…

Your account codes and account names will be downloaded from your bookkeeping system. You may need to change or configure the Journal mapping. To configure each journal Debit and Credit line:

  1. Select the relevant Pay frequency tab – for example m1 monthly below
  2. Notice there are two different Add buttons at the bottom of the Debit items and the Credit items.
  3. Add a new journal row entry in either Credits or Debits using the row along the Add button:
    • Select the Account (e.g. 900 -Deductions). If the account does not exist, you will need to type it in first in the Account section. In our example here we have added “; 900 – Deductions“)- note the semicolon “;” separator
    • Select the Narrative. The Narrative includes all Pay Definitions and also all busses – you may wish to select a single Pay Definition but at other times, it will be more convenient to select a Buss which includes all Pay Definitions connected to that Buss. (In our example we select DWP DEA.
    • Click Add.
    • Sometimes it will be necessary to switch plus values to minus and vice-versa by ticking the Negate box as some values are held as negative and some positive. In this case click Negate

Missing Accounts #

If you find the specific account has not been downloaded, this may be due to not being configured correctly in the bookkeeping app. We recommend you correct this in your bookkeeping application and configure the account as a credit or debit and re-grant.

Alternatively, you can type it in manually (but if you do a re-grant you will lose it next time). If you need to expand the window to see and edit the accounts, click and drag down the control in the corner to resize the accounts window. The example below shows where to resize and how a new account has been entered (noting the separating semicolons).

; 4445 - Others debtors

Delete Unused schedules #

You should delete any unused schedules by selecting the schedule and clicking delete:

Verify the configuration #

Pay run Redo and ensure the journal matches.

If there is an error, now or in the future, the journal does not balance and you will need to reconfigure the journal mapping using the above steps

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