Every three years you have a legal duty to re-enroll certain staff back into a pension scheme.
paiyroll®, does this completely automatically on a 3-year anniversary of the Last Re-enrolment date which can be found in the Tax section of Company set up. For example, based on the following date:

paiyroll® will automatically re-enrol any required employees on the 1st of November 2023 (multiple of 3 years).
If you wish to modify the automatic re-enrolment date, then simply pick a date which is 3 years before your chosen date. For example, if you wish to use a re-enrolment date of the 1st of October 2023, then set the last enrolment date to the 1st of October 2020.
All staff who need to be re-enrolled will be enrolled in the pay reference period that spans the 3-year anniversary.
- Monthly Example: you pay your workers on the 28th of October and your pay reference period is from the 1st to the 31st of October, then a 1st of October re-enrolment date will be processed in the October pay run.
- Weekly example: If you pay in arrears, for example, on a Friday for a pay period ending the previous Sunday, your pay reference period will be the one where the payday falls and not the earning period!
Note that, re-enrolment may be processed different pay runs may be different for weekly and monthly workers.
All workers who are re-enrolled will have an auto-enrolled message on their payslips confirming this.
Declaration of compliance #
After the re-enrollment process is complete, you will then have to complete your declaration of compliance.
You will find all the information required on the GB AE sheet on the preapproval 2 summary report. This includes the total number of staff, already enrolled as well as reenrolled. If you open this report, you can filter the Enrol date column to see all of those enrolled on the 3-year re-enrolment date