Automatic Enrolment (AE) FAQ

Automatic Enrolment (AE) FAQ

Why is my employee Opt-in not working? #

paiyroll® Opt-in date is the date the notice was received. As per The Pension regulator (TPR), we only process opt-in dates on the next pay period after it was received. If you want Opt-In to operate in the current pay period, you will need to enter a date before the current pay period starts.

Where do I enter pension scheme details? #

Company set up > Pay definitions > Group by Schemes

Update the pension scheme

How do I enrol an employee who previously opted? #

Pay Item Editor

On the AE Pay Item, set the Opt-in date as required

Click Update

On the Mini-payslip you will see the AE pension deduction being taken and also an Opt-in enrolment on… payslips message

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